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Cartão de crédito (parcelamento em 3x), Boleto bancário e PIX.
Somente serão aceitos na categoria ESTUDANTE os matriculados na graduação ou na pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado) mediante a comprovação por documento emitido por sua Instituição de Ensino. É obrigatório anexar um comprovante válido no sistema no momento da sua inscrição. No caso da não comprovação ou divergência no documento, a diferença para categoria PROFISSIONAIS NÃO SÓCIOS será cobrada no momento do credenciamento, conforme tabela vigente na data.
Informações gerais relevantes
IMPORTANTE: Caso o curso não atinja o quórum mínimo de participantes necessários para sua viabilização, a CCS e a Hidroplan reservam o direito de cancelar a realização do mesmo. O participante será consultado se prefere sua transferência para outro curso confirmado, ou se escolherá receber o REEMBOLSO INTEGRAL do valor pago. No caso de cancelamento da atividade, a organização não realizará reembolsos de despesas de viagem.
Cancelamentos de inscrições por parte dos participantes serão aceitos até 30 dias de antecedência da data do curso (06/10/2024), mediante retenção de 30% sobre o total pago.
Após esta data, não é possível o reembolso do valor pago, apenas transferência de inscrição para outro participante (com as mesmas condições de categoria).
A solicitação de cancelamento deverá ser formalizada através do e-mail:
Fellow, Geofirma Engineering Ltd., Heidelberg, Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada
Dick Jackson was granted his PhD by the University of Waterloo in hydrogeology, where he is now an Adjunct Professor. He joined the Canadian Government in 1975 and, in 1986, established the Ground-Water Contamination Project at the National Water Research Institute. He joined INTERA in Texas in 1989, where his team applied EOR methods in field together with the University of Texas at Austin and Rice University in Houston. He returned to Canada in 2006 as task leader for geochemistry & petrophysics in characterizing sedimentary rocks beneath southwestern Ontario for nuclear-waste disposal. He retired in 2017 and became a Geofirma Fellow. From 2018 until 2022, he was the Board Chair of the A.E. Lalonde Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the University of Ottawa, one of Canada’s 17 national research facilities. His textbook, Earth Science for Civil & Environmental Engineers, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2019. In 2008, he received the Geoenvironmental Award from the Canadian Geotechnical Society. In 2013, he received the Farvolden Award, from the CGS and Canadian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists. Since 2023, he has advised the Canadian Government on prospective CO2 storage reservoirs in Ontario and in eastern Canada.
Principal, Geofirma Engineering Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Robert Walsh completed his engineering education at the universities of Albera and Tübingen. He specializes in multiphase numerical modelling including projects involving hydrogeology, hydromechanical processes, thermal transport, gas-flow simulation and other coupled processes. He has diverse experience in both hydrogeological and geomechanical simulation and has undertaken assessments of the maximum safe pressurization for caprock geomechanical integrity of gas storage operations for depleted natural-gas reservoirs. He has been the Lead Engineer for developing a coupled geomechanical and two-phase flow model for the development of an excavation damage zone and associated gas transport from an underground rock laboratory. He developed a model for the 3D gas-transport model using the TOUGH2 simulator for the LASGIT (Large Scale Gas Injection Test) experiment at the Aspo Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden. He has significant experience in the planning, coordination and analysis of geomechanical and petrophysical tests for geological CO2 storage. He is currently the Project Manager for Geofirma’s Geological CO2 Storage operations in SW Ontario that is expected to lead to the first CO2 storage hub in Eastern Canada.
Colombo Tassinari, Ph.D.
IGc-USP – Professor
He holds a degree in Geology from the University of São Paulo (1975), a master’s degree in Geosciences (Mineralogy and Petrology) from the University of São Paulo (1981) and a doctorate in Geochemistry and Geotectonics from the University of São Paulo (1988). He was director of the USP Geosciences Institute and the USP Energy and Environment Institute where he is currently a professor. holder. He has experience in the area of Geosciences, with an emphasis on Isotopic Geology applied to metallogenesis, tectonics and CCS technologies. Currently he has coordinated and developed projects in the area of CO2 Geological Storage. He belongs to the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and Academia Paulista de Ciencias, as a full member and to the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, as a foreign corresponding member. Coordinated the National Institute of Science and Technology for Analytical Techniques Applied to Oil and Gas Exploration. He currently coordinates the USP high-resolution geochronology laboratory (GeoLab-SHRIMP) and the “Geological CO2 Storage” Research Group, developing several projects to characterize geological reservoirs for CO2 storage. He received the ANP award for academic personality of the year 2023 for his relevant contribution to PDI in the oil and gas sector.
Dr. Andrew Duguid is a Vice President at Advanced Resources International, Inc. Dr. Duguid has over 16 years of research and commercial experience in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS), CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR), well integrity assessment, and risk assessment topics. Dr. Duguid has managed the development and submission of multiple Class VI permit applications. Dr. Duguid specializes in developing projects that take advantage of 45Q tax credits and other incentives. Dr. Duguid has been a member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Technical Committee 265, Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transport, and Geological Storage, since 2013. He earned a Ph.D. and Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a certificate in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy from Princeton University and Master’s degrees and a Bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Nuclear Engineering from the Ohio State University.
Mr. Valluri is a Project Manager at Advanced Resources International and a petroleum engineer with over 9 years of experience with carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS), enhanced oil recovery (EOR) evaluations, and oilfield chemistry. He has supported multiple federal and commercial CCUS projects and led multiple reservoir engineering tasks on state and federally funded carbon dioxide storage and EOR projects. Mr. Valluri conducted reservoir assessments and led permitting efforts for multiple commercial UIC Class VI (45Q) projects within the U.S. as well as internationally. Mr. Valluri is the primary or co-author of multiple peer-reviewed publications in reservoir engineering aspects of carbon storage and is also a member of the Energy Institute’s workgroup on Reservoir Engineering (EI CCS2001). Mr. Valluri holds master’s in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M University at College Station and honorary bachelor’s in chemical engineering from Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, India. Mr. Valluri is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and currently serves as a board member for SPE’s Ohio Petroleum section.
Bacharel em Direito pela UFPA. Especialista em Direito Econômico pela FGV/SP, Mestre em Direito Financeiro e Doutora em Planejamento Energético, ambos pela Universidade de São Paulo. Foi visiting scholar no Centre for Environmental Policy do Imperial College London em 2019. É consultora jurídica focada em regulação e políticas para transição energética, descarbonização da economia, mercado de carbono e outros incentivos à descarbonização. É Diretora da CCS Brasil, organização que promove a implementação de projetos de captura e armazenamento geológico de carbono no Brasil.
Especialista em Armazenamento Geológico de Carbono e tecnologias de CCS, formada em Engenharia de Petróleo, Mestre em Energia pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), no Brasil, com período de intercâmbio no MSc in Petroleum Economics and Management do IFP School, na França, e doutoranda em Engenharia Mecânica de Energia e Fluidos, também pela USP. É cofundadora e Diretora da CCS Brasil, uma organização sem fins lucrativos em prol do desenvolvimento de projetos de Captura e Armazenamento de Carbono no Brasil, e também trabalha como Diretora da Manacá CCS e Pesquisadora do Research Centre For Greenhouse Gas Innovation (RCGI), da Universidade de São Paulo. É ainda cofundadora e membro do Conselho da Society for Low Carbon Technologies (SFLCT) e Professora convidada da Pós-graduação da COPPE/UFRJ e da Educação Executiva do Insper.
Geólogo e Ph.D em Hidrogeologia pela Universidade de Waterloo (Canadá). Sócio-fundador da HIDROPLAN – Hidrogeologia e Planejamento Ambiental Ltda. Foi Professor Colaborador na Universidade de São Paulo – USP, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP/IGCE Campus de Rio Claros-SP e Universidade de Waterloo, Canadá. Ex-Presidente da Associação Brasileira de Águas Subterrâneas (ABAS). Editor da Revista Águas Subterrâneas. Diretor do Instituto Água Sustentável e Diretor do Groundwater Project. Membro da diretoria da AESAS e diretor executivo da ABAS. Experiência em mais de 35 anos na área de hidrogeologia de contaminação, com ênfase em avaliação e remediação de áreas contaminadas. Participou de projetos de CCS e de hidrogênio verde no Brasil, um mercado em seu início.
Dúvidas? Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato com a Secretaria Executiva através do e-mail